So... right after I wrote that last post my doctor called. I think it is so neat that she called me on a Sunday night. Not a lot of doctor's would do that. I asked her some questions and kept her on the phone for 9 minutes! She said that I was just fine and that I would definitely be able to get pregnant and have babies. She said that I could go to a high risk doctor if I desired but that I didn't have to (I probably will). She said that if I were to get pregnant with twins that I would be able to carry them and I wouldn't have to be pressured into aborting them. She also said that I would probably consider a high risk doctor more so if I got pregnant with twins. She told me that the left, right, left scenario with my ovulation would be thrown out the window since I am doing medicated cycles. So I may ovulate from either side or both during any given month. She said that as far as my kidney is concerned, I would need to have an IVP done to see if I have both kidneys. I asked about miscarriage rates and she said that they were no different from anyone else my age. She said the only thing I would be dealing with would be preterm labor. She also told me that the internet has a lot of crazy stories.... I think I've already figured that out. If I can think of anything else that she said I'll update. All I can say now is... "THANK YOU LORD FOR LETTING ME HEAR THIS FIRST HAND AND BE REASSURED. THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE PRECIOUS CHILD THAT YOU ARE PREPARING FOR ME EVEN NOW."
3 Remarks:
im so glad you had that reassuring talk with your doc...sounds like a good one!
I'm so happy you recieved that phone call! I remember whenever I was around 16 I was so scared that God would call me to be single for my whole life (lol don't laugh) and I remember my best friend saying that God wouldn't have put the desire to get married in my heart if He wanted me to be single. I thought of how that exactly relates to you being a mom. God wouldn't have put the desire and longing inside you to be a mom if He didn't want you to be one. You are going to be an amazing one at that! =) can repost teh article...i dont mind at all!
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