In the woes of all my personal drama... I didn't realize that this week is National Infertility Awareness Week. Take just a moment to Pray for all of us who are going through infertility. If you are not an infertile.... take a few minutes to do speak something kind to those who are. I know from experience that we truly appreciate kind words : ) God bless!
4 Remarks:
Amen to that! I never really realized how many of us there are out there or how encouraging it is to not walk through it alone. Praying for a BFP for you very soon.
Hello Alesha! I just wanted you to know that I've been following your blog, so I've gotten a glimpse into how hard these last several months have been for you. I've been praying for you, and you are also on the prayer list at my church. I pray that this month is the month for you, be it in God's will. I miss seeing and talking to you, but I understand this is a very difficult time for you. Just know I'm thinking and praying for you!
thinking about you you just test at home or go in for blood work tomorrow? I test at home only. BFN today at 12 dpo.
Prayers are going up for you this weekend. Love you and wish you the best. You are so faithful...we all could use you as an example. XOXOXOX
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