At 7.5 months, Zoey is making big movements. I think she's getting a little crowded because the movements are becoming different than they were in the last month or so. She moves sometimes so hard that I can see my belly actually move. It is the neatest thing. I always wondered what that would feel like and it truly is the best feeling. I Praise God for this opportunity and I continue to Pray that it will come to each of you my dear friends or that the "right" road for a child will come to you. After watching Elaine go through her adoption of Little Bug, I know that there are many routes to happiness as a parent. None are better than others, just dependant on God's will.
I also feel like Zoey has developed a sleep pattern. I read that they can do that. She wakes up at 8am every morning. Now will I be that blessed when she gets here? I dunno but it's fun right now to expect to feel her waking up at that time and to actually feel it. She's already stubborn and continues to dislike the doppler. She loves for my mom to talk to her and always starts kicking. Mom is the only person she will kick for besides me. She will be a spoiled child when it comes to clothes because she already has more than me (ok ... not exactly but she has a lot) and she's not even here. She just keeps getting more outfits from sweet friends.
Her daddy is getting ready to put flooring down in her room. No more carpet... but some hardwood and an area rug. I think it will look really good and I'm excited to get this ball rolling. It's making me nervous to think that her room isn't finished yet. But we are going as fast as we can go with all this house stuff and still aren't finished.
On another note... please Pray for my friend Stephanie. She went through infertility for years, too. Her daddy went home to be with Jesus last night after a very short battle with bone cancer and the family is so hurt. I can't even imagine. She is glad that he isn't suffering, but like any of us... they miss him and are devastated. Please Pray for them anytime you think of it... especially tomorrow evening during the visitation and the funeral.
Also, please Pray for one of my students who was diagnosed with leukemia today. Pray for the Lord to be with her and to take care of her and her family.
Last but not least, please Pray for my Pastor's son. He is 22, a senior in college majoring in theology, married a little over a year and has a baby due about 4 days before our Zoey is due. He was diagnosed with a rare children's cancer that comes from the embryonic fluid that is left over from infancy. It is called Ewings Sarcoma Pnet. It has been a real shock to our church and he and his family have been battling so much. Please Pray that the Lord will guide the course of action for the doctors to take to help him rid his body of this cancer. Pray that Jesus would just touch him and heal him. He has been called to preach and even feels led to take over our church when his dad is not able anymore. I really feel that God has a plan for this young man's life and I feel like He is molding him into the man he needs to be to take on such a big role.
Please join me in Prayer about these situations as well as continuing to remember my family and this pregnancy. I love you guys and I am still burdened daily for you. I remember you in Prayer every time I Pray. God bless!
3 Remarks:
Oh wow, so many hard things in life that people have to go through.
I'm glad that you and Zoey are doing well and that you are starting to feel better.
great update! not much longer....
WoW, lots going on and lots to pray for.It's good to hear that you both are doing well :) Thanks for the update. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.
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