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Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Will Become A Mother... Encouragement From A Christian Friend

A dear blogger friend of mine, PODDY, left this comment on my Shine 4 Jesus! Blog. It touches me that God laid it on his heart to tell me that I will become a mother. Such a blessing!

"With dark days to come with His children like you shining His light then many will come running to the Lord. I don't see a world wide revival. Can't see it in Gods Word. But when peoples Backs are against the wall, some will cry out to him. And the light of YESHUA will shine waiting to help them to know the father. I'M GOING TO SAY THIS TO YOU MAY GOD BLESS YOUR WOMB AND CHILD WILL SHINE FOR JESUS AND HE WILL BE A BLESSING TO YOU BOTH AND YOUR FAMILY. Please if i'm wrong then forgive me and I will go before the Lord. But I will believe that God as made it known to me to tell you. YOU Won't need to tell me when it comes about, I will hear you here across the pond. blessing to you and hubby. " --- PODDY

7 Remarks:


AMEN!!!! Oh Hallelujah! Alesha this excites me! I can't wait to hear you tell me the words, I'M PREGNANT!!!


I ditto Jenileigh! I'm very hopeful for you.

Jesus, My Best Friend

thanks so much girls! i am so thankful for you!


I just left you a comment on your last post - but wanted to also say hi again and thanks so much for stopping by. I'm always delighted to find another UU girl - we kind of all share a certain type of bond and need to stick together :-)


I'm so glad I found your blog- I just love it! Thanks for sharing this, it is so helpful to have encouragement and to remember to have faith that we will one day have the children we so desperately desire!


Hello. I am one of Beth's friends. I found your blog from hers....anyways, I am wishing you the very best and hope you get pregnant right away. I'm still sad for Beth but I'm sure she will be back on track soon. Maybe the two of you will be pregnant together. :-) Good luck. Angie in San Antonio.


I saw your blog and I to am struggling with infertility. I have been for the past seven years. I live near Pineville. I grew up in Stoney Fork in Bell COunty. I saw where you said you went to church at I think that a couple of my cousins go there but I am not for sure if it is the right church. Darlene and her son Ken Wilson. I know that it is hard struggling with this and the Lord is the only thing that we have to hold on to. My prayers will be with you. My blog is at